Annulatascales » Annulatascaceae » Ayria

Ayria nubispora

Ayria nubispora Raja, A. Ferrer & Shearer

MycoBank: MB 512705

Etymology: nubes L. = cloud and spora L. = spore, referring to the cloud-like sheath surrounding each ascospore.


Sexual Morph: Ascomata 250–270 ´ 158–168 µm, superficial or partially immersed, scattered on membranous, ostiolate with a hyaline neck. Neck 40–50 ´ 30–60 µm, cylindrical, aperiphysate. Peridium 18–20 µm wide, tissue composed of textura angularis in surface view; in medial longitudinal section composed of a dark brown outer layer consisting of isodiametric cells occluded by brown amorphous material and a hyaline inner layer made up of elongated, thin-walled cells. Paraphyses 90–120 ´ 7–9 µm, sparse, hyaline, septate, somewhat constricted at the septa, attached at the base, cylindrical, slightly tapering towards the apex. Asci 212–250 ´ 34–40 µm ( = 226 ´ 36 µm, n = 20), unitunicate, cylindro-clavate with a short pedicel, thin-walled, tapering to a rounded apex, lacking an apical pore or ring, deliquescing in water, with eight overlapping uniseriate to biseriate or irregularly arranged ascospores. Ascospores 48–56 ´ 16–20 µm ( = 52 ´ 18 µm, n = 25), hyaline, one-celled, ellipsoidal to fusiform, flattened on one side, finely multiguttulate, with bipolar gelatinous appendages at first hood or cap like, unfurling to a long thread-like structure, and with an oval to circular gelatinous sheath that surrounds the ascospores; sheath ca. 10–18 µm wide, staining blue in aqueous nigrosin. Asexual morph: Undetermined.

Characteristics in culture:  Colonies on PYG (Difco) slow-growing, approximately 20 mm diameter in 30 d, grey in the center, black towards the margins; margins uneven, colonies black in reverse. Hyphae hyaline to dark brown, septate, ca. 2 µm wide. Colonies on CMA (Difco) with balsa, effuse, mycelium dark brown, black in reverse, hyphae septate, dark brown, ca. 1–2 µm wide, forming ascomata in culture. Ascomata in culture 260 µm long, and 160 µm wide, scattered, submerged in the media, globose to subgobose, black, ostiolate. Asci 150–170 ´ 40–50 µm (  = 160 × 43 µm, n = 20), unitunicate, clavate, pedicellate, thin-walled, with eight irregularly arranged ascospores, deliquescing in water. Ascospores 38–46 ´ 16–18 µm, n = 20, ellipsoidal, multiguttulate, surrounded by an oval to circular gelatinous sheath ca. 6–8 µm wide, staining blue in aqueous nigrosin; bipolar appendages present, but not readily visible.

Distribution: COSTA RICA, Heredia, La Selva stream, on submerged decorticated woody debris and Limon, Las Palmas Stream, on submerged decorticated wood; USA, Florida, Marion County, Ocala National Forest, Fore Lake, on submerged decorticated woody debris (Raja et al
. 2009).

Notes: Holotype ILL 40594. Sequence data is not available


Fryar SC, Hyde KD (2004) New species and genera of ascomycetes from fresh and brackish water in Brunei: Ayria appendiculata and Sungaiicola bactrodesmiella gen. et sp. nov., Fluviatispora boothi, Torrentispora crassiparietis and T. fusiformis spp. nov. Cryptog Mycol 25:245–260.

Hyde KD, Norphanphoun C, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Bhat DJ et al. 2020 – Refined families of Sordariomycetes. Mycosphere 11(1): 305–1059.

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Raja HA, Ferrer A, Shearer CA. 2009 – Freshwater ascomycetes: a new genus, Ocala scalariformis gen. et sp. nov, and two new species, Ayria nubispora sp. nov. and Rivulicola cygnea sp. nov. Fungal Diversity 34, 79–86.

Figs. 11–20. Ayria nubispora. 11. Ascoma on wood with a mass of white ascospores; bar = 150 µm (AF 268-1). 12. Squash mount of ascoma showing peridium in surface view; bar = 40 µm (AF 268-1). 13–19 (from the holotype). 13. Peridium. 14. Paraphyses. 15, 16. Ascus. 17. An ascus deliquescing in water. 18, 19. Ascospores stained with aqueous nigrosin showing gelatinous sheath and bipolar appendages. 20. Ascospores showing bipolar appendages (AF 268-1); 13–20; bars = 20 µm. (Raja et al. 2009)


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