Annulatascales » Annulatascaceae » Chaetorostrum

Chaetorostrum quincemilense

Chaetorostrum quincemilense Zelski et al.

Index Fungorum number: 587628


Sexual morph: Ascomata 800900 ´ 200270 µm, on submerged wood, scattered, immersed to partially immersed, oriented horizontally to the substrate, venter elongated globose, membranous, brown to light-brown, ostiolate, with a long, upwardly directed, setose neck. Necks 600–700 ´ 64–70 µm, central, cylindrical, periphysate, hyaline at the apex, brown towards the base, bearing rigid brown to dark-brown hairs. Hairs light-brown and pointed at the apex, dark-brown and rounded towards the base, 90–150 µm long, 3–4 µm wide, 8–10 septate. Peridium membranous, composed of textura angularis in face-view. Paraphyses 137–162 ´ 5–7 µm, hyaline, filamentous, numerous, septate, broad at the base, tapering towards the apex. Asci 180–240 ´ 12–15 µm, numerous, basal, fasciculate, unitunicate, cylindrical, elongating in water, containing eight overlapping uni-seriate ascospores, tapering to a long, narrow, elongate pedicel with a spine-like pedicellar extension, possessing a large, bi-partite, cylindrical, apical apparatus 5–6 ´ 7– 9 µm. Ascospores 30–38 ´ 10–12 µm (mean = 33 ´ 11 µm; n = 30), hyaline, one-septate when young, becoming versicolored and 3-septate with brown central cells and hyaline end cells at maturity; broadly ellipsoidal; equipped with gelatinous apiculate appendages; bi-guttulate, sometimes multi-guttulate, slightly constricted at the midseptum; young ascospores surrounded by a narrow, and pressed gelatinous sheath which gradually disappears in water. Colonies on PYG + Ab agar irregular, raised, grey-brown, dark brown in reverse view. Colonies on CMA + alfalfa light brown to dark brown composed of abundant superficial floccose hyphae, reverse dark brown to black. Asexual morph: Taeniolella-like. Conidiophores micronematous, mononematous. Conidia monoblastic on terminal ends of hyaline vegetative hyphae, elongate cylindrical phragmospores, 20–280 ´ 7–13 µm, 2-40 euseptate, brown, paler near apex, dry, schizolytic, young conidia smooth-walled while older conidia exhibit rough walls that appear to slough off.


Specimen examined: PERU, Camanti, Stream at Quincemil Trail 1, on submerged woody debris (Zelski et al.2011).



Fig 1. Chaetorostrum quincemilensis (ILL 40822, holotype). No. 1. Squash mount of ascomata. No. 2. Neck with brown hairs. No. 3. Peridium showing textura angularis pattern in surface view. No. 4. Paraphyses. No. 5 Asci. No. 6. Ascus showing bi-partite apical ring and elongated ascus pedicel. No. 7. Enlarged view of bi-partite apical ring. No. 8. Enlarged view of ascus pedicel. No. 9. One-septate constricted ascospore showing gelatinous sheath in water. No. 10. One-septate ascospore showing gelatinous sheath in glycerin. No. 11–12. Older brown, 3-septate ascospores with hyaline apices. No. 12. Germinating ascospores. Scale bars 1 = 100 µm, 2–6, 8–11 = 20 µm, 7, 12 = 40 µm. (photo grabbed from Zelski et al. 2011).


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