Dothideomycetes families incertae sedis » Pleosporales genera incertae sedis


Wiesneriomyces Koord.


Saprobic on different substrates, colonies effuse, consisting of scattered conidiomata. Mycelium immersed. Asexual morph: Conidiomata sporodochial or synnematal, solitary to gregarious, with or without setae. Setae subulate, septate, pigmented, thick-walled, erect, flexuous, arising from basal pseudoparenchymatous stalk or mycelium immersed in the substrate. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, penicillate, septate, branched, straight or flexuous, solitary or gregarious. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, monoblastic, polyblastic, discrete, determinate, terminate, clavate, cylindrical, slightly ampulliform. Conidia solitary to gregarious, catenate, connected by narrow isthmi, fusiform to falcate, cylindrical, subcylindrical, cuneiform, branched, hyaline to slightly pigmented, aseptate. Sexual morph: Undetermined. (Description from Hongsanan et al. 2020)


Type species: Wiesneriomyces laurinus (Tassi) P.M. Kirk


Notes: Kirk (1984) proposed the new combination, Wiesneriomyces laurinus, based on the holotype of Volutellaria laurina and showed that it was an earlier name for Wiesneriomyces javanicus. No sexual morph has been reported for this genus (Suetrong et al. 2014; Bezerra et al. 2017; Lu et al. 2018). (Notes from Hongsanan et al. 2020)


List of freshwater Wiesneriomyces  species

Wiesneriomyces conjunctosporus Kuthub. & Nawawi, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 90(4): 619 (1988)

Freshwater distribution: Malaysia (Kuthubutheen and Nawawi 1988)



Bezerra JDP, Oliveira RJV, Paiva LM, Silva GA, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW, Souza-Motta CM (2017) Bezerromycetales and Wiesneriomycetales ord. nov. (class Dothideomycetes), with two novel genera to accommodate endophytic fungi from Brazilian cactus. Mycol Prog 16:297–309.

Hongsanan S, Hyde KD, Phookamsak R, Wanasinghe DN, McKenzie EHC, Sarma VV, Lücking R, Boonmee S, Bhat JD, Liu NG, Tennakoon DS, Pem D, Karunarathna A, Jiang SH, Jones GEB, Phillips AJL, Manawasinghe IS, Tibpromma S, Jayasiri SC, Sandamali D, Jayawardena RS, Wijayawardene NN, Ekanayaka AH, Jeewon R, Lu YZ, Phukhamsakda C, Dissanayake AJ, Zeng XY, Luo ZL, Tian Q, Thambugala KM, Dai D, Samarakoon MC, Chethana KWT, Ertz D, Doilom M, Liu JK (Jack), Pérez-Ortega S, Suija A, Senwanna C, Wijesinghe SN, Niranjan M, Zhang SN, Ariyawansa HA, Jiang HB, Zhang JF, Norphanphoun C, de Silva NI, Thiyagaraja V, Zhang H, Bezerra JDP, Miranda-González R, Aptroot A, Kashiwadani H, Harishchandra D, Sérusiaux E, Abeywickrama PD, Bao DF, Devadatha B, Wu HX, Moon KH, Gueidan C, Schumm F, Bundhun D, Mapook A, Monkai J, Bhunjun CS, Chomnunti P, Suetrong S, Chaiwan N, Dayarathne MC, Yang J, Rathnayaka AR, Xu JC, Zheng J, Liu G, Feng Y, Xie N (2020) Refined families of Dothideomycetes: orders and families incertae sedis in Dothideomycetes. Fungal Divers 105:17–318.

Kirk PM (1984) Volutellaria laurina tassi, an earlier name for Wiesneriomyces javanicus koorders. Trans Br Mycol Soc 82:748–749.

Suetrong S, Rungjindamai N, Sommai S, Rung-Areerate P, Sommrithipol S, Gareth Jones EB (2014) Wiesneriomyces a new lineage of Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota) basal to Tubeufiales. Phytotaxa 176:283–297.


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The webpage Freshwater Fungi provides an up-to-date classification and account of all genera of freshwater fungi.


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