Jahnulales » Aliquandostipitaceae » Jahnula

Jahnula aquatica

Jahnula aquatica (Plöttner & Kirschst.) Kirschst., Ann., Mycol. 34: 196 (1936)

Basionym: Melanopsamma aquatica Kirschst., Krypt.-Fl.Brandenburg (Leipzig) 7(2): 226 (1911)


Freshwater distribution: CHINA (Ho 1998), FRANCE (Fournier et al. 2010), GERMANY (Kirschstein 1936; Hawksworth 1984), MALAYSIA (Ho et al. 2001), SOUTH AFRICA (Hyde and Wong 1999), THAILAND (Sivichai et al. 2011), USA (Raja and Shearer 2006; Raja et al. 2009)


Fig 1. Jahnula aquatica (Material examined: USA, Illinois, Salt Fork Association Lake (SFA Lake), a manmade private lake, on submerged, decorticated wood, 15 October 2002, HAR, R68-1). a Squash mount of ascoma. b Ascus. c Pseudoparaphyses. d, e Ascospores. Scale bars: a = 100 μm, b, c, e = 20 μm, d = 10 μm



Fournier J, Gardiennet A, Lechat C, Priou JP, Van Vooren N (2010) Note sur quelques Ascomycota aquatiques ou des milieux humides. Revue internationale pour la taxinomie des Ascomycota Ascomycete org 2:9–19

Hawksworth DL (1984) Observations on Jahnula Kirschst., a remarkable aquatic pyrenomycete. Sydowia 37:43–46

Ho WH (1998) Biodiversity, ecological and ultrastructural observations of fungi on wood submerged in tropical streams. PhD Thesis, Department of Ecology and Biodiversity, The University of Hong Kong

Ho WH, Hyde KD, Hodgkiss JI, Yanna (2001) Fungal communities on submerged wood from streams in Brunei, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Mycol Res 105:1492–1501

Hyde KD, Wong SW (1999) Tropical Australian freshwater fungi. XV. The ascomycete genus Jahnula, with five new species and one new combination. Nova Hedwigia 68:489–510

Kirschstein W (1936) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ascomyceten und ihrer Nebenformen besonders aus der Mark Brandenburg und dem Bayerischen Walde. Annales Mycologici 34:180–210

Raja HA, Schmit JP, Shearer CA (2009) Latitudinal, habitat and substrate distribution patterns of freshwater ascomycetes in the Florida Peninsula. Biodivers Conserv 18:419–455

Raja HA, Shearer CA (2006) Jahnula species from North and Central America, including three new species. Mycologia 98:319–332

Sivichai S, Sri-Indrasutdhi V, Jones EBG (2011) Jahnula aquatica and its anamorph Xylomyces chlamydosporus on submerged wood in Thailand. Mycotaxon 116:137–142


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