Myrmecridium aquaticum
Myrmecridium aquaticum Luo et al.
Index Fungorum number: IF555649; Facesoffungi number: FoF05421
Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Colonies on natural substrate superficial, effuse, hairy, brown. Mycelium immersed, composed of septate, branched, smooth, hyaline hyphae. Conidiophores 211–308 µm long, 5–7 µm wide (x̄ = 258 ´ 6 µm, n = 20), macronematous, mononematous, erect, unbranched, multi-septate, straight or flexuous, cylindrical, percurrently proliferating, brown, paler towards the apex, smooth, nodose at the tip. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, polyblastic, integrated, terminal, later becoming intercalary, subhyaline to pale brown. Conidia 14–16 µm long, 4–6 µm wide (x̄ = 15 ´ 5 µm, n = 20), acropleurogenous, dry, obovoid, rounded at the apex, pointed at the base, 3-septate, subhyaline, smooth-walled.
Specimen examined: CHINA, Yunnan Province, Lancang River, saprobic on submerged decaying wood, April 2015, X.C. Tao, S-448 (MFLU 18–1595, holotype; HKAS 92833, isotype), ex-type living culture MFLUCC 15–0366, KUMCC 15–0340; Jizu Mountain, saprobic on decaying wood submerged in a freshwater stream, April 2017, N Zhao, S-1158, living culture MFLUCC 18–1489; Cangshan Mountain, saprobic on decaying wood submerged in a freshwater stream, March 2014, X.Y. Liu, S-001.
Notes: Myrmecridium aquaticum resembles M. sorbicola in having solitary, erect, unbranched, multi-septate, brown conidiophores, integrated, terminal and intercalary conidiogenous cells and obovoid, smooth conidia rounded at the apex (Crous et al. 2018). However, Myrmecridium aquaticum differs from M. sorbicola in having larger conidiophores (211–308 vs. 50–200 µm), 3-septate and longer conidia (14–16 vs. 8–10 µm), while M. sorbicola has almost 1-septate conidia with mucoid sheath surrounding conidium in median region. Phylogenetic analysis shows that Myrmecridium aquaticum is distinct from other Myrmecridium species
Fig. Myrmecridium aquaticum (MFLU 18–1595, holotype). a, b. Colony on natural substrate. c,d. Conidiophore with conidia. e, f. Conidiogenous cells with conidia. g-i. onidia. j. Germinating conidium. Culture on PDA from above (k) and reverse (l). Scale bars: c, d = 100 μm, e, f = 30 μm, g-j = 10 μm (photo grabbed from Luo et al. 2019)
Crous PW, Schumacher PK, Wingfield MJ, Akulov A et al. (2018) New and interesting fungi. 1. Fungal Syst Evol 1:169–215
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