Pleosporales » Dictyosporiaceae » Aquaticheirospora

Aquaticheirospora lignicola

Aquaticheirospora lignicola Kodsueb & W. H. Ho

Index Fungorum number: IF 528967


Saprobic on submerged wood. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Colonies on PDA, black at the centre, with a yellowish-white, thick periphery, edge smooth and slightly raised, underside yellow, reaching 1 cm in diameter after 1 week. Mycelium immersed in the substratum, hyaline to pale brown. Synnemata, erect, forming after 6 weeks, white to pale brown and becoming dark brown when mature, up to 510 mm long. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, determinate, hyaline to pale brown, oblong, 14.5 × 9.5 mm. Conidia acrogenous, holoblastic, gregarious, hyaline to pale brown when immature, brown when mature, chiroid, 65–85(-100) × (16–)22–60(-75) mm ( = 77 × 41 mm, n = 30), euseptate, with (3–)6–8(-10) arms vertically inserted in different planes, on a basal cell; basal cells pale brown, cuneiform truncate, 8 × 7 mm (N = 10), smooth, thin-walled; arms discrete, unbranched, mostly divergent, cylindrical (4–)10–13(-17) euseptate (25–)55–75(-100) × 7–10(-15) mm ( = 68 × 8.25 mm, n = 30). Conidial secession rhexolytic.


Notes: The above descriptions are from material grown in culture on PDA. Slight differences in conidial characters were observed when the fungus was examined on the substrate. On the substrate, conidial arms were tightly packed, usually with 3(-5) often wider arms, whereas, in culture, conidia had (3–)5(-10) longer and narrower divergent arms, and the apical cell of some arms have a brown vacuole. The vacuole varied in shape from globose to irregular shape, some having rough ornamentation. The vacuole became larger when the conidia germinated.


Specimen examined: THAILAND (Kodsueb et al. 2007)



Dong, W., Wang, B., Hyde, K.D., McKenzie, E.H.C., Bhat, D.J et al. (2020) Freshwater Dothideomycetes. Fungal Diversity

Kodsueb R., Lumyong S., Ho W.H., Hyde K.D. et al. (2007) Morphological and molecular characterization of Aquaticheirospora and phylogenetics of Massarinaceae (Pleosporales). Bot J Linn Soc 155: 283–296

Fig 1. Aquaticheirospora lignicola (from holotype). A. Synnemata on host tissue, B. Synnemata formed in culture, C. Synnema from host tissue, D, E. Conidia of synnema from host tissue, F, G. Synnemata from culture, H–O. Conidia from synnema that formed in culture. Rhexolytic secession in D (arrowhead); conidiogenous cells in H–J (arrowhead); pore at the end of basal cell in K (arrowhead); formation of young conidium in L and M; brown vacuole in the apices of conidium in N (arrowhead). Scale bars: A, 200 µm; B, 150 µm; C, 100 µm; D, 30 µm; E, 15 µm; F, 45 µm; G, 50 µm; H–K, N–O, 25 µm; L, M, 15 µm. (Photo grabbed from Kodsueb et al. 2007)


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