Lolia aquatica
Lolia aquatica Abdel-Aziz & Abdel-Wahab
Index Fungorum number: IF518529
Holotype: IMI 398675
Etymology: From the Latin adjective aquaticus, in reference to the freshwater habitat
of the fungus.
Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata acervular, 400–480 μm high, 380–540 μm diam, pearl white when wet, dull yellow brown when dry, superficial, single or aggregated. Peridium 57–80 μm thick, forming textura intricata, hyaline, embedded in gel. Conidiophores lining the acervuli wall and arising from innermost elements of the wall, loosely aggregated, branched and septate, colorless, smooth, embedded in gel. Conidiogenous cells cylindrical to sub-cylindrical, colorless, smooth, bearing a single terminal conidium. Conidiogenesis: ontogeny holoblastic with apical wall building; delimitation by a transverse septum; secession schizolytic. Conidia 31–45 × 7–10 μm (x̄ = 36 × 8.6 μm, n = 50), unicellular, hyaline, clavate, ellipsoidal, cylindrical, hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, solitary. Mean conidium length/width ratio = 4.2:1. Apical appendages 55–90 × 1.5–3 μm (x̄ = 68.6 × 2.6 μm, n = 20), three to five sub-apical cellular appendages, attenuating, tapering. Basal appendage 10–85× 1.5–3 μm (x̄ = 27.9 × 2.3 μm), excentric, cellular, attenuating, tapering. Both apical and basal appendages are on one side of the conidia and arising as tubular extension of the conidium body and not separated from it at maturity by septa. (Descriptions from Abdel-Aziz and Abdel-Wahab 2010)
Material examined: EGYPT, Sohag, El Balyana city, on decayed stem of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Steud. at irrigation canal, March 2005, F.A. Abdel-Aziz (Holotype, IMI 398675; ex-type culture, MF644 (JAMSTEC, Japan); iso-type, MD644 (authors’ culture collection).
Freshwater distribution: Egypt (Abdel-Aziz and Abdel-Wahab 2010; Abdel-Aziz 2016)