Pleosporales » Melanommataceae » Camposporium

Camposporium cambrense

Camposporium cambrense S. Hughes

Index Fungorum number: IF 294001


Description from Hughes (1951)


The conidiophores and conidia form small grey to brown, sometimes glistening colonies on the substratum. Mycelium immersed in the substratum. Conidiophores unbranched, erect, straight or more usually irregularly bent, 3–10 speptate, 22–84 µm × 6–7 µm, brown but paler above and tapering more or less abruptly to about 2 um which is the width of the separating cell. They have been arising on the host as lateral branches of hyphae and they are generally scattered. Conidia dry, cylindrical with rounded ends with a slightly raised basal scar 2 µm wide; 62–115 µm × 8–10 µm, hyaline to pale brown and then paler at the apex of the base, 15-septate at maturity, apical cell may or may not bear a hyaline, septate, filiform, straight or slightly curved appendage, 32–126 µm × 1.5–2.0 µm.


Freshwater distribution: Hungary (Gönczöl and Révay (2004), Thailand (Kurniawati et al. 2010)


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Fig 1. Camposporium cambrense. a-c Conidiophores and conidia.



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Fig 2. Camposporium cambrense. a Germination of conidia of Herb. I.M.I 316000(l) after 9 days in water, b,c conidiophores and conidia from culture of Herb. 31600(l) on mainze-meal agar, b, from 9-days-old-colony, c, from 3-weeks-old coloy.


Figs. 40-47. Various conidia from rainwater. 40-41 Camposporium ontariense, conidia and conidiophores with conidia, 42. Pestalotiopsis guepinii, 43. Excipularia fusispora, 44. Bartalinia robillardoides, 45. Camposporium pellucidum, 46. Camposporium cambrense, 47. Camposporium japonicum. Scale bars: a =30 μm, b = 60 μm, Figs. 40, 42-44 with scale a and Figs. 41, 45-47 with scale b.



Gonczol J, Revay A (2004) Fungal spores in rainwater: stemflow, throughfall and gutter conidial assemblages. Fungal Divers 16:67–86

Hughes SJ (1951) Studies on micro-fungi. III. Mastigosporium, Camposporium, and Ceratosporium. Mycol Pap 36:1–43

Kurniawati E, Zhang H, Chukeatirote E, Sulistyowati L, Moslem MA, Hyde KD (2010) Diversity of freshwater ascomycetes in freshwater bodies at Amphoe Mae Chan, Chiang Rai. Cryptogam Mycol 31:323–331


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