Phaeoseptaceae S. Boonmee, Thambugala & K.D. Hyde
Index Fungorum number: IF 554385; Facesoffungi number: FoF 04462
Saprobic on dead wood in aquatic habitats. Sexual morph: Ascomata erumpent when mature, visible as black spots on the host surface, solitary, scattered, globose to subglobose, dark brown to black, with or without a pseudoclypeus, short papillate, with an apical ostiole. Peridium comprising several layers, outer layers dark brown to black, flattened cells of textura angularis; inner layers hyaline to lightly pigmented cells of textura angularis. Hamathecium comprising cylindrical, branched, septate, anastomosed, cellular pseudoparaphyses. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, cylindrical-clavate, long pedicellate, with a small ocular chamber. Ascospores 2–(-3)-seriate, cylindrical, broadly fusoid to broadly tapering towards the rounded ends, slightly curved, ends asymmetrical, slightly wider at median part, rounded at both ends, light brown, muriform, allantoid, with multi-transverse septa, and 1 longitudinal septum in each cell, sometimes with 2 longitudinal septa, constricted and darkened at the septa, smooth-walled (adapted from Zhang et al. 2013, Hyde et al. 2018, Phukhamsakda et al. 2019). Asexual morph: Hyphomycetous. Pleopunctum. Mycelium immersed in the substratum, composed of septate, branched, subhyaline to greyish brown hyphae. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, cylindrical, branched, medium brown, septate, smooth- and thick-walled. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, cylindrical, brown. Conidia acrogenous, solitary, broadly oval to ellipsoidal, pale brown when immature, broadly obtuse at apex and dark brown, truncate at base and paler brown when mature, often with a hyaline, elliptical to globose basal cell, muriform, constricted at septa, smooth-walled (Descriptions from Hongsanan et al. 2020).
Type genus: Phaeoseptum Ying Zhang, J. Fourn. & K.D. Hyde
Notes: Phaeoseptaceae was established in Pleosporales by Hyde et al. (2018) based on Phaeoseptum which was previously placed in Halotthiaceae (Zhang et al. 2013). Hyde et al. (2018) accommodated Lignosphaeria Boonmee et al., Neolophiostoma, Decaisnella formosa and Thyridaria macrostomoides, in Phaeoseptaceae. Recently Pleopunctum has been introduced to Phaeoseptaceae (Liu et al. 2019b). Liu et al. (2019a) found the monotypic genus Neolophiostoma formed a clade within Halotthiaceae (Ariyawansa et al. 2015, Hyde et al. 2016, Phukhamsakda et al. 2016). Even though Hyde et al. (2018) have classified Decaisnella formosa and Thyridaria macrostomoides in Pheoseptaceae; they suggested that recollections and epitypification of these species are needed with DNA sequence data to ensure the correct placement of these two genera (Abdel-Wahab & Jones 2003, Mugambi & Huhndorf 2009). Lignosphaeria was introduced by Thambugala et al. (2015), and phylogenetically it formed a sister clade to Thyridaria with a good support. However, Thambugala et al. (2015) treated Lignosphaeria in Dothideomycetes, genera incertae sedis. This was followed by Pem et al. (2019). Decaisnella and Thyridaria are retained in Lophiostomataceae and Thyridaceae, respectively. Therefore, we only accept Phaeoseptum and Pleopunctum in Phaeoseptaceae. (Notes from Hongsanan et al. 2020)
Ariyawansa HA, Hyde KD, Jayasiri SC, Buyck B, Chethana KWT, Dai DQ, Dai YC, Daranagama DA, Jayawardena RS, Lucking R, Ghobad-Nejhad M, Niskanen T, Thambugala KM, Voigt K, Zhao RL, Li GJ, Doilom M, Boonmee S, Yang ZL, Cai Q, Cui YY, Bahkali AH, Chen J, Cui BK, Chen JJ, Dayarathne MC, Dissanayake AJ, Ekanayaka AH, Hashimoto A, Hongsanan S, Jones EBG, Larsson E, Li WJ, Li QR, Liu JK, Luo ZL, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Mapook A, McKenzie EHC, Norphanphoun C, Konta S, Pang KL, Perera RH, Phookamsak R, Phukhamsakda C, Pinruan U, Randrianjohany E, Singtripop C, Tanaka K, Tian CM, Tibpromma S, Abdel-Wahab MA, Wanasinghe DN, Wijayawardene NN, Zhang JF, Zhang H, Abdel-Aziz FA, Wedin M, Westberg M, Ammirati JF, Bulgakov TS, Lima DX, Callaghan TM, Callac P, Chang CH, Coca LF, Dal-Forno M, Dollhofer V, Fliegerova K, Greiner K, Griffith GW, Ho HM, Hofstetter V, Jeewon R, Kang JC, Wen TC, Kirk PM, Kytovuori I, Lawrey JD, Xing J, Li H, Liu ZY, Liu XZ, Liimatainen K, Lumbsch HT, Matsumura M, Moncada B, Nuankaew S, Parnmen S, Santiago A, Sommai S, Song Y, de Souza CAF, de Souza-Motta CM, Su HY, Suetrong S, Wang Y, Wei SF, Yuan HS, Zhou LW, Reblova M, Fournier J, Camporesi E, Luangsa-ard JJ, Tasanathai K, Khonsanit A, Thanakitpipattana D, Somrithipol S, Diederich P, Millanes AM, Common RS, Stadler M, Yan JY, Li XH, Lee HW, Nguyen TTT, Lee HB, Battistin E, Marsico O, Vizzini A, Vila J, Ercole E, Eberhardt U, Simonini G, Wen HA, Chen XH, Miettinen O, Spirin V, Hernawati (2015) Fungal diversity notes 111-252-taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 75:27–274
Hongsanan S, Hyde KD, Phookamsak R, Wanasinghe DN, McKenzie EHC, Sarma V V., Boonmee S, Lücking R, Bhat DJ, Liu NG, Tennakoon DS, Pem D, Karunarathna A, Jiang SH, Jones EBG, Phillips AJL, Manawasinghe IS, Tibpromma S, Jayasiri SC, Sandamali DS, Jayawardena RS, Wijayawardene NN, Ekanayaka AH, Jeewon R, Lu YZ, Dissanayake AJ, Zeng XY, Luo ZL, Tian Q, Phukhamsakda C, Thambugala KM, Dai DQ, Chethana KWT, Samarakoon MC, Ertz D, Bao DF, Doilom M, Liu JK, Pérez-Ortega S, Suija A, Senwanna C, Wijesinghe SN, Konta S, Niranjan M, Zhang SN, Ariyawansa HA, Jiang HB, Zhang JF, Norphanphoun C, de Silva NI, Thiyagaraja V, Zhang H, Bezerra JDP, Miranda-González R, Aptroot A, Kashiwadani H, Harishchandra D, Sérusiaux E, Aluthmuhandiram JVS, Abeywickrama PD, Devadatha B, Wu HX, Moon KH, Gueidan C, Schumm F, Bundhun D, Mapook A, Monkai J, Chomnunti P, Suetrong S, Chaiwan N, Dayarathne MC, Yang J, Rathnayaka AR, Bhunjun CS, Xu JC, Zheng JS, Liu G, Feng Y, Xie N (2020) Refined families of Dothideomycetes: Dothideomycetidae and Pleosporomycetidae. Mycosphere 11:1553–2107
Hyde KD, Chaiwan N, Norphanphoun C, Boonmee S, Camporesi E, Chethana KWT, Dayarathne MC, de Silva NI, Dissanayake AJ, Ekanayaka AH, Hongsanan S, Huang SK, Jayasiri SC, Jayawardena RS, Jiang HB, Karunarathna A, Lin CG, Liu JK, Liu NG, Lu YZ, Luo ZL, Maharachchimbura SSN, Manawasinghe IS, Pem D, Perera RH, Phukhamsakda C, Samarakoon MC, Senwanna C, Shang QJ, Tennakoon DS, Thambugala KM, Tibpromma S, Wanasinghe DN, Xiao YP, Yang J, Zeng XY, Zhang JF, Zhang SN, Bulgakov TS, Bhat DJ, Cheewangkoon R, Goh TK, Jones EBG, Kang JC, Jeewon R, Liu ZY, Lumyong S, Kuo CH, McKenzie EHC, Wen TC, Yan JY, Zhao Q (2018) Mycosphere notes 169–224. Mycosphere 9:271–430
Hyde KD, Hongsanan S, Jeewon R, Bhat DJ, McKenzie EHC, Jones EBG, Phookamsak R, Ariyawansa HA, Boonmee S, Zhao Q, Abdel-Aziz FA, Abdel-Wahab MA, Banmai S, Chomnunti P, Cui BK, Daranagama DA, Das K, Dayarathne MC, de Silva NI, Dissanayake AJ, Doilom M, Ekanayaka AH, Gibertoni TB, Goes-Neto A, Huang SK, Jayasiri SC, Jayawardena RS, Konta S, Lee HB, Li WJ, Lin CG, Liu JK, Lu YZ, Luo ZL, Manawasinghe IS, Manimohan P, Mapook A, Niskanen T, Norphanphoun C, Papizadeh M, Perera RH, Phukhamsakda C, Richter C, Santiago A, Drechsler-Santos ER, Senanayake IC, Tanaka K, Tennakoon T, Thambugala KM, Tian Q, Tibpromma S, Thongbai B, Vizzini A, Wanasinghe DN, Wijayawardene NN, Wu HX, Yang J, Zeng XY, Zhang H, Zhang JF, Bulgakov TS, Camporesi E, Bahkali AH, Amoozegar MA, Araujo-Neta LS, Ammirati JF, Baghela A, Bhatt RP, Bojantchev D, Buyck B, da Silva GA, de Lima CLF, de Oliveira RJV, de Souza CAF, Dai YC, Dima B, Duong TT, Ercole E, Mafalda-Freire F, Ghosh A, Hashimoto A, Kamolhan S, Kang JC, Karunarathna SC, Kirk PM, Kytovuori I, Lantieri A, Liimatainen K, Liu ZY, Liu XZ, Lucking R, Medardi G, Mortimer PE, Nguyen TTT, Promputtha I, Raj KNA, Reck MA, Lumyong S, Shahzadeh-Fazeli SA, Stadler M, Soudi MR, Su HY, Takahashi T, Tangthirasunun N, Uniyal P, Wang Y, Wen TC, Xu JC, Zhang ZK, Zhao YC, Zhou JL, Zhu L (2016) Fungal diversity notes 367-490: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 80:1–270
Liu F, Wang J, Li H, Wang W, Cai L (2019a) Setophoma spp. on Camellia sinensis. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 4:43–57
Liu NG, Hyde KD, Bhat DJ, Jumpathong J, Liu JK (2019b) Morphological and phylogenetic studies of Pleopunctum gen. nov. (Phaeoseptaceae, Pleosporales) from China. Mycosphere 10:757–775
Mugambi G, Huhndorf S (2009) Parallel evolution of hysterothecial ascomata in ascolocularous fungi (Ascomycota, Fungi). Systematics & Biodiversity 7:453–464
Pem D, Jeewon R, Bhat DJ, Doilom M, Boonmee S, Hongsanan S, Promputtha I, Xu JC, Hyde KD (2019) Mycosphere notes 275-324: A morpho-taxonomic revision and typification of obscure Dothideomycetes genera (incertae sedis). Mycosphere 10:1115–1246
Phukhamsakda C, Hongsanan S, Ryberg M, Ariyawansa HA, Chomnunti P, Bahkali AH, Hyde KD (2016) The evolution of Massarineae with Longipedicellataceae fam. nov. Mycosphere 7:1713–1731
Thambugala KM, Hyde KD, Tanaka K, Tian Q, Wanasinghe DN, Ariyawansa HA, Jayasiri SC, Boonmee S, Camporesi E, Hashimoto A, Hirayama K, Schumacher RK, Promputtha I, Liu ZY (2015) Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Lophiostomataceae, Floricolaceae, and Amorosiaceae fam. nov. Fungal Diversity 74:199–266
Zhang Y, Fournier J, Phookamsak R, Bahkali AH, Hyde KD (2013) Halotthiaceae fam. nov. (Pleosporales) accommodates the new genus Phaeoseptum and several other aquatic genera. Mycologia 105:603–609
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