Pleosporales » Tetraplosphaeriaceae » Tetraploa

Tetraploa abortiva

Tetraploa abortiva Aramb. & Cabello

Index Fungorum number: IF 133315

Etymology: From Latin abortivus = abortive referring to the failed growth of the columns of cells.

Holotype: LPS 44308


Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Colonies on natural substrate scattered, punctiform. Mycelium superficial. Conidiophores micronematous, branched and anastomosing to form a network, pale yellowish brown. Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal, monoblastic. Conidia oblong to ovoboid, brown, 25–40 μm × 13–15 μm, with 2–3 columns with six cells each, 5 um diam; basal cells thick-walled dark brown; the apical cells are thin-walled and hyaline forming a short septate appendage, 10–12 um long. (Descriptions from Arambarri et al. 1987)


Notes: Usually the conidia have three columns of cells and the fourth stops growing near the base of the conidium, has only one or two cells and when the conidia have two columns the third has failed to grow near the base.


Freshwater distribution: Argentina (Arambarri et al. 1987)


Fig 1. Tetraploa abortiva conidiophores and conidia (Arambarri et al. 1987;



Arambarri A, Cabello M, Mengascini A (1987) New hyphomycetes from Santiago River. II. (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). Mycotaxon 30:263–267


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