Pleosporales » Trematosphaeriaceae » Trematosphaeria

Trematosphaeria lineolatispora

Trematosphaeria lineolatispora Hyde

Index Fungorum number: IF 358911

Etymology: lineolafus (L) = marked with lines, spora (L) = spore, indicating the striated ascospores

Holotype: BRIP 16973


Descriptions from Hyde (1992) on intertidal mangrove wood in Mexico:

Saprobic on intertidal mangrove wood. Ascomata 90-180 μm high x 210-360 μm diam., conoid to subglobose, immersed with a flattened base, ostiolate, papillate, as darkened spots on wood surface, clypeate, solitary or gregarious. Necks up to 150 μm long, 75-100 μm diam., periphysate, brown. Peridium up to 25 μm thick, at the sides composed of one layer of pseudoparenchymatous cells of textura angularis, becoming elongate towards the ostiole and fusing with the clypeus. The peridium is thin at the base. Pseudoparaphyses 2-4 μm wide, straight, cellular, septate, appearing trabeculate, in a gel, forming a thick packing tissue between the asci and extending into the neck. Asci 120-204 x 14-18 μm, 8-spored, cylindrical-subclavate, bitunicate, thick-walled, pedunculate, with an ocular chamber and faint ring structure, arising from the base and lower sides of the ascoma. Ascospores 34-48 x 7-10 μm, 1-2-seriate, fusiform, mostly 5-septate, third cell from the top the largest, cinnamon-brown in centre with lighter end cells, hyaline when young, surface covered in striations and surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath.


Notes: In Trematosphaeria lineolatispora the ascomata are conoid to subglobose with a flattened base and are sunken within the substratum. The peridium is thin walled and irregularly pigmented, while the pseudoparaphyses are cellular and appear trabeculate. Asci are cylindrical, while ascospores are 3- or more septate, fusoid, cinnamon-brown, light at the ends, and occasionally rupturing at the tips. These characters conform to the amended description of Trematosphaeria (Boise 1985). (Notes from Hyde 1992)


Freshwater distribution: USA (Raja et al. 2009)


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Fig 16-19. Trematosphaeria lineolatispora (BRIP 16973, holotype). 16. Squash illustrating pseudoparaphyses and asci. 17. Section through immersed ascoma. 18.  Cells of base and sides of ascoma peridium. 19. Cells of upper peridium. Scale bars: 16, 18, 19 = 10 μm, 17 = 100 μm (Hyde, 1992)


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Fig 20-31. Trematosphaeria lineolatispora (BRIP 16973, holotype). 20–23, 25, 26. Ascospores. The ascospores have brown central cells and lighter end cells (Figs 23, 25), and wall stnations (Figs 22, 23). After release from the ascoma the end cells may become inflated prior to germination (Fig. 21). 24, 27–30. Asci. The ascus is provided with an ocular chamber (Fig. 24) and splits by fissitunicate dehiscence (Fig. 29). 31. Pseudoparaphyses. Scale bars: 20–31 = 10 μm (Hyde, 1992)



Boise JR (1985) An amended description of Trematosphaeria. Mycologia 77:230–237

Hyde KD (1992) Intertidal mangrove fungi from the west coast of Mexico, including one new genus and two new species. Mycol Res 96:25–30

Raja HA, Schmit JP, Shearer CA (2009) Latitudinal, habitat and substrate distribution patterns of freshwater ascomycetes in the Florida Peninsula. Biodivers Conserv 18:419–455


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