Pleosporales » Trematosphaeriaceae » Trematosphaeria

Trematosphaeria pertusa

Trematosphaeria pertusa Fuckel

Index Fungorum number: IF 197662


Sexual morph: Ascomata gregarious, immersed or becoming superficial by weathering of host tissue, globose to pyriform in section, 270–380 μm high, 190–350 μm diam. Ostiolar neck central, papillate to cylindrical, 70–140 μm long, 90–130 μm wide, composed of thick-walled, heavily melanised cells (2–4 μm diam), with periphyses. Ascomatal wall in longitudinal section uniformly 17–25 μm thick, composed of 6–9 layers of polygonal to rectangular, thin-walled, brown cells (2–15 × 2–5 μm). Pseudoparaphyses branched and anastomosed, 1.5–2.5 μm wide. Asci fissitunicate, clavate to cylindrical, 73.5–102.5 × 12.5–17 μm ( = 89.8 × 14.6 μm, n = 20), with a stipe of 8.5–22 μm long, with 8 biseriate ascospores. Ascospores fusiform, slightly curved, 20–27.5 × 6–8 μm ( = 23.9 × 7.1 μm, n = 50), l/w 2.8–4.0 ( = 3.4, n = 50), with a nearly median or somewhat supramedian primary septum (0.43–0.53; = 0.48, n = 50), rarely 3-septate, slightly constricted at the septum, reddish brown, smooth, without sheath. (Descriptions from Tanaka et al. 2015)


Material examined: JAPAN, Aomori, Hirosaki, Aoki, Mohei-pond, on submerged twigs of woody plant, 27 Sep. 2003, K. Tanaka & N. Asama, KT 1496 = HHUF 30153, culture JCM 19430 = MAFF 243879; Hokkaido, Isl. Rebun, Nairo, Nairo-river, on submerged twigs of woody plant, 16 Aug. 2013, K. Tanaka, KT 3314 = HHUF 30452, culture CBS 139705; ibid., KT 3315 = HHUF 30453, culture CBS 139706.


Notes:  We identified our specimens/isolates as T. pertusa, the type species of Trematosphaeria, based on close similarities between sequences obtained from the above isolates and an ex-epitype strain of the species (CBS 122368; Ahmed et al. 2014), i.e., 484/485 (99.8 %) in ITS (GenBank KF015668) and 900/907 (99.2 %) in tef1 (GenBank KF015701) regions. In comparison with the description of T. pertusa based on the neotype (Zhang et al. 2008), our specimens have shorter asci (73.5–102.5 μm vs. 100–145 μm) and ascospores ( = 20–27.5 μm vs. 27.5–32.5 μm). Further collections of this species are needed to clarify the taxonomic significance of the intraspecific morphological variation. (Notes from Tanaka et al. 2015)


Freshwater distribution: Hungary (Révay and Gönczöl 1990), Japan (Tanaka et al. 2015), UK (Eaton and Jones 1971; Eaton 1972; Kane et al. 2002)

Fig 1. Trematosphaeria pertusa. A,B. Ascomata on the natural host surface. C. Ascoma in longitudinal section. D. Ascomatal wall. E. Pseudoparaphyses. F. Ascus. G–I. Ascospores. J. Germinating ascospores. K. Spermogonia in culture. L. Spermatiophores. M. Spermatia. A–J from KT 1496; K–M from culture KT 1496. Scale bars: A, K = 500 μm, B = 200 μm; C = 50 μm, D–J, L, M = 10 μm.



Ahmed SA, van de Sande WWJ, Stevens DA, Fahal A, van Diepeningen AD, Menken SBJ, de Hoog GS (2014) Revision of agents of black-grain eumycetoma in the order Pleosporales. Persoonia 33:141–154

Eaton RA (1972) Fungi growing on wood in water cooling towers. International Biodeterioration Bulletin 8:39–48

Eaton RA, Jones EBG (1971) The biodeterioration of timber in water-cooling towers. II. Fungi growing on wood in different positions in a water cooling system. Mater Org 6:81–92

Kane DF, Tam WY, Jones EBG (2002) Fungi colonising and sporulating on submerged wood in the River Severn, UK. Fungal Divers 10:45–55

Révay A, Gönczöl J (1990) Longitudinal distribution and colonization patterns of wood-inhabiting fungi in a mountain stream in Hungary. Nova Hedwigia 51:505–520

Tanaka K, Hirayama K, Yonezawa H, Sato G, Toriyabe A, Kudo H, Hashimoto A, Matsumura M, Harada Y, Kurihara Y (2015) Revision of the Massarineae (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes). Stud Mycol 82:75–136

Zhang Y, Fournier J, Pointing SB, Hyde KD (2008) Are Melanomma pulvis-pyrius and Trematosphaeria pertusa congeneric? Fungal Divers 33:47–60


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