Tubeufiales » Tubeufiaceae » Boerlagiomyces

Boerlagiomyces grandisporus

Boerlagiomyces grandisporus S.J. Stanley & K.D. Hyde

Index Fungorum number: IF 437443

Etymology: From the Latin grandisporus meaning large spores.

Holotype: HKU(M) 2978


Sexual morph: Ascomata (324–)420–510(–548) µm high, 277– 309 µm diam scattered, globose or subglobose, superficial with an immersed base, hyaline or cream coloured, ostiolate, papillate, membranous, setose. Neck central, membranous, wall continuous with ascomatal venter, brown, setose, periphysate, 161–174 µm. Periphyses simple, septate, elongated terminal cells. Peridium two-layered, textura angularis in surface view, 18–45 µm thick; comprising an outer layer of pigmented polygonal (textura angularis) cells, 14–22 µm thick; inner layer 9–30 µm thick, with 2–5 cell layers of compressed fusiform, hyaline cells. Setae (120–)130–210(–330) µm long, (7±2–)7±8–9±6(–11±2) µm wide at base, 1±6–2±4 µm wide at apex, lanceolate, stiff, thick walled, dark brown, 5–8 septate, over entire ascomata with fewer at base, derived from outer pigmented cells of the ascomatal wall. Pseudoparaphyses 4–7 µm wide, cellular, simple, hyaline, thin-walled, constricted at septa, surrounding asci in the ventral cavity. Asci 102–136 × 26–41 µm, 2-spored, cylindrical-clavate, fasciculate, short pedunculate, fissitunicate, apically rounded, with a small thickening in immature specimens only, thin walled in mature specimens. Ascospores (78–)90–137(–149) × (21–)29–56(–66) µm, thin-walled, ellipsoidal, appearing muriform with (13–)14(–16) transverse septa and 5–7 longitudinal and oblique longitudinal septa, hyaline at first, brown when mature with darker poles. Immature ascospores surrounded by a thick mucilaginous sheath, thinning in ascus as ascospores mature, barely evident in mature released ascospores. Released ascospore pairs connected by cytoplasmic strands as are ascospore pairs within the ascus. Asexual morph: Undetermined. (Stanley and Hyde 1997)


Material examined: Philippines, Negros Occidental, near Bacolod, Bario Alegria, on wood submerged in a river, 1 Jan. 1994, K. D. Hyde & E. Arimas (HKU(M) 2978).


Freshwater distribution: Philippines (Stanley and Hyde 1997)


Photographic plate: see Stanley and Hyde (1997)



Stanley SJ, Hyde KD (1997) Boerlagiomyces grandisporus sp. nov., a new tropical freshwater ascomycete from the Philippines. Mycol Res 101:635–640.


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