Tubeufiales » Tubeufiaceae » Neohelicomyces

Neohelicomyces submersus

Neohelicomyces submersus Z.L. Luo, H.Y. Su & K.D. Hyde

Index Fungorum number: IF 818823; Facesoffungi number: FoF 02645

Holotype: HKAS 93065

Etymology: referring to submerged habitat of this taxon.


Saprobic on submerged decaying wood. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Colonies on substratum superficial, effuse, gregarious, white. Mycelium composed of partly immersed, partly superficial, hyaline to pale brown, septate, sparsely branched hyphae, with masses of crowded, glistening conidia. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, erect, septate, branched, pale brown to brown, arising directly on substrate, 172–285 μm long ( = 228.5 μm, SD = 56.5, n = 10), 3.5–4.5 μm wide ( = 4 μm, SD = 0.5, n = 10), smooth-walled. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, holoblastic, integrated, intercalary, with lateral minute denticles each with single conidium. Conidia 142.5–207.5 μm long ( = 175 μm, SD = 32.5, n = 20), 2.5–3.5 μm wide ( = 3 μm, SD = 0.5, n = 20), helicoid, with conidial filament coiled 3-3½ times, tightly coiled, rounded at apical end, pale brown, multiseptate, smooth-walled, granulate. (Luo et al. 2017)


Material examined: CHINA, Yunnan Province, saprobic on decaying wood submerged in Heilong stream in the Cangshan Mountain, Jan 2015, X.Y. Liu, 4HLXM H 2-1 (HKAS 93065, holotype), ex-type living culture, MFLUCC 16-1106, KUMCC 15-0251.


Notes: Neohelicomyces submersus share similar characters with N. aquaticus and N. grandisporus in having macronematous, septate, branched conidiophores, helicoid, coiled conidia. However, Neohelicomyces submersus differs from N. aquaticus in having shorter and thinner conidiophores, conidia coiled 3–3½ vs 2–2½ times and differs from N. grandisporus in having longer conidiophores (172–285 vs 107–161 μm) and conidia coiled 3–3½ vs 1–1½ times. Phylogenetic analyses position N. submersus as a distinct taxon basal to other Neohelicomyces as well as Tubeufia helicomyces. (Luo et al. 2017)


Freshwater distribution: China (Luo et al. 2017)