Xenospadicoidales » Xenospadicoidaceae » Spadicoides

Spadicoides cordanoides

Spadicoides cordanoides Goh & K.D. Hyde


Distribution: AUSTRALIA, Queensland, on submerged wood (Goh and Hyde 1996).


Sexual morph: Undetermined


Notes: Holotype BRIP 23201. Sequence data is not available. This species is known only from Australia on submerged wood in freshwater habitats (Goh and Hyde 1996).



Goh TK, Hyde KD (1996) Spadicoides cordanoides sp. nov., a new dematiaceous hyphomycete from submerged wood in Australia, with a taxonomic review of the genus. Mycologia 88:1022–1031

Luo ZL, Hyde KD, Liu JK, Maharachchikumbura SSN et al. 2019 – Freshwater Sordariomycetes. Fungal Diversity 99, 451–660.

Figs. 1-13. Spadicoides cordanoides, light micrographs. 1. A portion of the colonies on submerged decaying wood.  2, 3. Conidiophores with conidia. 4. A whole conidiophore showing the apex and the bulbose base. 5. Portion of conidiophore showing the nodulose apex. Note the conidiogenous pores. 6, 7. Upper portions of conidiophores showing production of conidia. 8-13. Conidia. Scale bars: Fig. 1 = 100 µm, 2-13 = 10 µm.


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